The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
"The heart is a lonely hunter" is the title of a book and a great line. It makes one think of how each person searches in his or her own way for what will bring fulfillment and happiness. As I finished My Sister's Keeper I thought of this line. We are all a mix of emotions and we can't figure out what makes us all tick. I started the book out despising the mother and the lawyer, and giving up on the brother Jesse and, indeed the father Brian for his rather cowardly response. By the end of the book I found that my judgements were somewhat modified - the characters, like the issues can't be seen in black and white terms: the shades of gray are all there. It will be interesting to hear the responses of others to this book.
At 12:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Indeed it is a great line, Mamie. It was the title that caught my attention but it was your comments that held my interest and convinced me I must head out to the library and pick up this particular book.
At 9:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
I had just read this book (THiaLH)in August, and didn't realize before I read it that the author was a woman who was very young when she wrote it. A strange connection of people in a different time.
At 10:58 PM,
mamie said…
NW, I'm trying to remember the book and all I can think of is the title! Have you read any of Picoult's and if so, did you enjoy them?
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