Mamie's Meanderings

A medley of musings in a meandering manner.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Know what the meaning of "reciprocity' is? In Canada it's a weather related term in which Easterners 'stick it to' Westerners when they are having great weather and the Westerners are freezing; the reciprocity happens when the reverse is true and the Westerners are basking in sunshine whilst a giant blizzard is raging in the East.

Here is a picture taken on November 11th here in Nova Scotia, above average temperatures, and a beautiful day for walking a golf course wearing a sweater.

My husband sent a series of pictures to friends out West since they are having a stretch of particularly nasty below-normal temperatures and we've been enjoying their comments. Here's a sampling: " You should see the snow here. It looks more like Christmas than Christmas!" "Rub it in, eh?" And "Enjoy! Sometimes we get the good stuff and you guys get hammered."

Reciprocity!! You just know they will be having wonderful weather when we are snowed under and I'm sure they will let us know! Posted by Picasa


  • At 10:18 PM, Blogger the last noel said…

    You know, we have the same thing here in the US. I'm from Los Angeles and e-mail my friends in New York during freezing weather. I tell them I'm cold, too. It dipped just below 70 degress--burr.

  • At 11:59 PM, Blogger mamie said…

    Noel, thank you for your comment; it's all relative, isn't it? But cold at 70 degrees??!! I don't think so!! Took a look at your blog; I will go back for another look.


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