The Importance of Routines
I haven't really started my fall and winter exercise routine which involves going to the pool for aquafit three times a week. The routine is: get up at 7:45, pack the swimming bag, dress, have breakfast and leave for the pool around 8:45 to be in the water shortly after 9:00 for a class that starts at 9:10. This morning I woke up without the alarm and thought since I haven't been for awhile I should get back in the swim of things (pardon the pun), so got up, packed the swimming bag, dressed and sat down to breakfast, and.................. took a look at my watch only to see it was now 9:15, instead of 8:15!! Too late to even think of going! Well, maybe that will teach me to set the alarm and begin the routine again................................... how about next week? I must make a promise to myself...... it's about time!
At 8:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Jessie would certainly understand the routine problem. Now that she doesn't need two naps daily she just can't seem to get into a routine at all. Here's hoping she will soon discover what nap time will suit her best. Then she'll be a happier baby and maybe she will come visit "Aunt Mamie!"
At 10:20 PM,
mamie said…
Yep, Auntie Mamie will be looking forward to that! I heard the little darlin' wasn't the happiest camper in the world last weekend - I guess a girl just can't get her first teeth and establish new routines all at the same time!
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