Ahh, They Were Kind of Cute
Just finished with the annual visit from the ghosts and goblins. In spite of my griping in my previous post, I must say I enjoyed the trick-or-treaters this year. Perhaps because it was a nice night and not cold, rainy or windy, everyone seemed in a happy mood. The costumes were wonderful and the children were appreciative and polite. I had a few laughs at some of their comments. There was the little four year old who informed me confidentially, "I'm not really a unicorn; I'm a person dressed as a unicorn." And two bubbly ten year old girs who arrived arm in arm were quick to point out that "we're joined at the elbow - well, not literally." In case I should perhaps be worried? And then there was Honest Eddy who let me know that "this is not my first bag." Ahh, they were kind of cute! Happy Halloween!
At 12:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am sure your feelings of Hallowe'en are influnced by the years of carrying out 2 hours of arranged fun with 25 or 30 young people every Oct. I am in recovery mode tonight, after manning a cookie decorating and drink station of a rotation party. Do I want to do this again? Doc suggests I take the day off next year. We'll see.
At 10:15 PM,
mamie said…
NW, I wouldn't be surprised if you decided to take time off - permanently! How is our mutual friend enjoying her retirement so far?? Seriously, you must have been tired after your day, but the rotating party sounds like a good idea.
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