Not My Favourite Holiday
Here we are again with autumn winds swirling leaves about, time changing from daylight to standard, and the annual festivities of All Hallows Eve about to begin. Have you ever wondered what the point of the time change is as you look out your window and find that it's dark at 5:30 pm when only yesterday it was dark at 6:30pm? Oh, I know we get the extra hour of morning light, but it almost seems that the point of the time change is to have it dark early for the little kids to make their Halloween rounds. Here we go again - right in the middle of supper - "Halloween Apples!" or "Trick or Treat!!" - I'm never ready for the first blood-curdling scream. I expect we'll have about one hundred visitors in all shapes and sizes, and although every year I do get "into it" and ooh and ahh and look impressed by the costumes of the little tykes, I also find it an evening I could do without. Running up and downstairs for a couple of hours is not my idea of fun. Scrooge said "Bah, humbug"to Christmas; sometimes I think I'd like to say "Bah, humbug" to Halloween! Anyone with me?
At 10:39 PM,
canary said…
My hubby hates it but I don't mind. Last year I dressed up as a witch - pointy black hat black slacks and Tee top plus dark cloak and of course an ugly mask-. This year (feeling too much the witch in real life) I dressed as a clown. Pink pants with bright yellow guitars on them, bright multicoloured top, red suspenders, a rainbow wig and of course white make up with red nose and cheek spots.
To enjoy it you have to sit on the stairs by the door with a glass of wine and a book. When the doorbell rings you quickly set the wine down, pull down your mask (or this year pop on the wig) and get to the door with your bowl of goodies. The surprise on the faces when they see you dressed up is worth the effort.
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