It's All About Love
Do you notice how many books ultimately make the same point about what is important in life? Eddie, in Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven is taken on an afterlife journey - back to his past - to discover the five people who taught him life's important lessons even though he was unaware of it at the time. I think Eddie's lessons were: 1) there are no random acts, we are all connected; 2) sacrifices, big and little, are a part of life; 3) we must forgive our parents; 4) love is the strongest tie and 5) as we do unto others, so it will be done unto us.
Are these the important lessons we are to learn in life? Are there others that are as important? If each of us were asked to write out five lessons we have learned (and five teachers we have had) what and who might we come up with? It's interesting to speculate but the point of Albom's book, of course, is that we don't know as we go through life who and what might be teaching us something.
Are these the important lessons we are to learn in life? Are there others that are as important? If each of us were asked to write out five lessons we have learned (and five teachers we have had) what and who might we come up with? It's interesting to speculate but the point of Albom's book, of course, is that we don't know as we go through life who and what might be teaching us something.
At 6:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mamie, I've read this book also and I have to agree with your choices re Eddie's lessons. Lessons I think we all must learn.
You've really given me food for thought with your remarks concerning five questions and five teachers, especially the teachers. I remember each teacher I have had but one I have always thought of as truly helpful and inspirational. In fact, this same teacher still comes to mind quite often. But surely there has to be something memorable about each teacher. I've got to put some thought into this.
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