Happy Easter
It's Easter! Having spent some time inWestern Canada and learning something of Ukrainian traditions I find today that I want to say "Christ is Risen" and to hear someone say "He truly has Risen!" - in Ukrainian Khrystos Voskres! followed by the response Voistyno Voskres! There are such wonderful Ukrainian Easter traditions - the making of special bread and the decorating of eggs with intricate symbols, the blessing of food - a rich culture. In Western Canada descendants of Ukrainian settlers keep the traditions alive and add so much to a multicultural milieu. I feel I've been fortunate to have had my life enriched by meeting so many people of Ukrainian descent and from learning to appreciate their beautiful, moving and deeply religious practices.
At 2:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
These traditions were renewed for me this morning as I accompanied my Mom to a Ukrainian Easter resurection service. A first in 30 years!
At 10:59 PM,
mamie said…
That is indeed very special!
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