Changing Routines
Does your routine change with the seasons or, like mine, change with the school year? I must still be there - in the classroom - because every September I am thinking of getting back to things and I am never fully ready to leave my summer "vacation." In the next few weeks my fall activities will get going again: next week my book discussion group meets and I haven't started reading my book; the week after my writing group meets and I haven't started writing my piece; my twice weekly bowling begins the middle of September and I'm not ready to give up my golf; the Wednesday night meetings start again and I'm not in the mood to give up my Wednesday evening bridge game. The funny part is that as soon as I get into the fall routine I will miss having to give it up for the Christmas break!!
At 9:18 PM,
canary said…
I think the school year start is embedded in us from childhood. Although I had wonderful carefree summers I always rather enjoyed getting back to school after the holidays. All those new scribblers and new books! I feel the same now. It's time.
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