Enjoying Painting
Lately I've been enjoying painting with acrylics and I feel like I'm on a bit of a creative binge, having completed several paintings in the past few weeks! I thought it might be interesting to read some articles on "creativity" and in browsing around I came across this quote from Paul McCartney about painting on a creativity website: "Painting is a magical process that I like where you conjure something out of nothing....you can go into a trance while you're doing it, so it's a nice contrast to real life." Interesting comment. But I think I understand what he is getting at. Absorption in the task of painting or drawing is a very "right-brained" activity, one where you simply lose yourself. Betty Edwards wrote a book on drawing that has become somewhat of a classic in which she explored what it is to draw on the right side of the brain and the act is somewhat "trance-like." But I think McCartney is mistaken when he says "it's a nice contrast to real life." Maybe this is the real life!!!!
At 2:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
Painting is truly an art form a person needs to have a "eye" for.
Watching an artist creating an image from a blank space is like watching magic happen, for me. Your soon to arrive visitor from the west is having success with her work in oils, so be sure to ask her about it. She is too modest.
At 3:00 PM,
mamie said…
We will have lots of time to compare notes if it rains this weekend as predicted!! Weather has been nice but I think a change is on the way. I have heard our mutual friend was painting; I would imagine she would do good work.
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