Mamie's Meanderings

A medley of musings in a meandering manner.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mulberry's Comment and Some Gardening Plans

I've been reading and thinking about the quotes from A Gardener's Diary posted by Mulberry after "The Joy of the Garden." I especially like "to own a bit of ground and to scratch it with a hoe" as it made me think of another line from someone - "to seek your heaven daily in a bit of ground." That seems to be the essence of gardening, the simplicity of the act of cultivating a plot of earth no matter how small.

I have been working on my perennial bed and border and I've decided it's badly in need of refurbishing, if that's the right word! Too many plants are overgrown and crowding one another out so I plan to dig some up and move them around to other places. I'm just hoping it's not too late for this. Last night I was talking to a woman who is doing just that and potting up and selling some of her extra perennial divisions. We agreed that perennial beds look much better with some spaces between the plants so that is what I plan to work on next.


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