A Line of Poetry, A New Book
Today as I browsed through a book display a line in a book of poems by Canadian Steve McOrmond caught my eye. In Primer on the hereafter, Ormond writes of contemplating the ruins of a church and as he does so he is struck by "the power of religion to give the infinite a name." I thought to myself, "yes, that is it, that is it, it is all about "language," about embodiment, about incarnation, about naming. As I continued my browsing in the bookstore I was taken with the title of a new book: The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief. The author is Francis D. Collins, Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute. Glancing through the book I notice that Collins refers to the work of another scientist Richard Dawkins author of The God Delusion, the recent book that makes the case for atheism. It will be interesting to look at Dawkins and Collins together and I hope to do some posts as I read this new book.
Whew!! First I have to get through the several other things I have on the go! Right now it is Kazuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day. I hope to have this finished for my next book discussion meeting.
Whew!! First I have to get through the several other things I have on the go! Right now it is Kazuo Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day. I hope to have this finished for my next book discussion meeting.
Labels: God atheism religion books
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