Annapolis Valley Apple Orchard

The other day my book discussion group met at a wonderful locale: a working farm in the Annapolis Valley with animals and abundant peach and apple orchards. I took this picture from my car window as I drove along the country lane towards the house. The decorative rural mailbox with the house number and name do look perfect under the apple tree.

At 12:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nice to see a photo, Mamie. Believe it or not, apples are what enticed me to move to Nova Scotia. Well, it was really the song, "When it's Apple Blossom Time in Annapolis Valley." Same difference:)
At 9:44 AM,
mamie said…
Dr house,
Thank you for your comment. Yep, the Valley is a pretty scenic place - some great photo ops! I am going out this morning to check out some pear trees I saw the other day. They looked so gorgeous with the sun shining on them.
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